monastic order buddhism

The Buddha Himself first laid down the rules of monastic discipline governing the Order. The Origins of Buddhism. This practice is especially common within Theravada Buddhism, which focuses heavily on the monastic tradition. He accepted ascetics as his followers. One fundamental belief of Buddhism is that people are reborn after dying. The Buddhist monastic lifestyle grew out of the lifestyle of earlier sects of wandering ascetics, some of whom the Buddha had studied under. The Hindu and Buddhist official orders are really both. These monastic rules can vary by tradition and religious orders. "1This The monastic order.—The monastic order in Buddhism, as instituted by Gautama Buddha himself, was not essentially a new creation in India, but was derived from ancient Hindu usage and practice. Instead, religious land is leased for housing, vending, and farming at a nominal rent, alongside its use for a range of religious and communal purposes. The order of Buddhist bhikkus (similar to monks) and original bhikkhunis (similar to nuns) was founded by Gautama Buddha during his lifetime over 2500 years ago. It is a nunnery, monastery, teaching place for scholars (like Bhikkhu Bodhi), a meditation retreat center, a visitor's center, world-class library, as well as a place that serves the cultural needs of Chinese/Taiwanese Buddhists on the East Coast. Broadens nirvana to make it universal, that is available to lay persons as well as monks and nuns as. The Indianized States of … Consequently, the imposition of additional rules and the impossibility of female Buddhahood have subordinated “the nuns’ order to that of the monks” (Gethin 89). As Buddhism moved West and encountered a culture familiar with monastic traditions (Christian), some assumptions on what a Buddhist monk was were taken for granted. Buddhism , a major world religion, founded in northeastern India and based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who is known as the Buddha, or Enlightened One. The Buddha ordained himself into the 'homeless life' by cutting off his hair and renouncing his wealth, family and claim to the throne in order to pursue the spiritual path full time. In Buddhism, ordinations are the ceremonies in which men and women become members of the Buddhist monastic order, or sangha. Definition of a Buddhist. by Siddhartha Gautama (the "Buddha"), is an important religion in most of the countries of Asia. Buddhist monasticism is one of the earliest surviving forms of organized monasticism and one of the fundamental institutions of Buddhism. The monastic sangha demanded institutional independence, so it was the early sangha, invoking the Buddha’s authority and supported by regional kings and lords, that worked out the self-regulating standards that we now know as the Vinaya, which theoretically hold monastics … Email: The original monastic orders begged for their meals and spent most of their time in meditation and study. By the time Islam arrived, Buddhism had already waned in most of India. Sister Gryphon Shane. A monk (Greek: μοναχός, monachos, Latin: monachus) specifies a person who leads the “monastic life,” whether in solitude or in a “monastery.” From early Church times, there has been a lively discussion of the meaning of the term monk (Greek: monos, “alone”), namely whether it denotes someone living alone/away from the rest of society, or someone celibate/focused on God alone. Buddhism 101: The Monastic Robes. The Vinaya, the corpus of advice and incidents related to monastic discipline, was not originally formulated as a separate body of texts, but was an integral part of the Dharma teachings. Order of Buddhist Contemplatives. See Buddha. Get your order fast and stress free with free curbside pickup. Typical of young monks during the time, he traveled to the capital, Bangkok, for doctrinal training but found the wats there to be dirty and crowded, as well as - what was most troubling to him - the monastic order to be corrupt, "preoccupied with prestige, position, and comfort with little interest in the highest ideals of Buddhism." Mahayana Buddhism. The “triple robe” (tricivara) comprises an inner garment or waistcloth (antaravasaka), an upper robe (uttarsanga) and outer robe (sanghati) (Vin 1:94 289). Buddha’s lifestyle guidelines. In the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal, the monastic order, long the preserve of celibate renunciants, began to accommodate noncelibate practitioners of tantric yoga and their partners. Tibetan Buddhist Monasticism. In his vast collection of teachings, the Buddha gave monastics plenty of help to turn our minds in a different direction. The western form of Buddhism is a modern reinterpretation of the original, with the emphasis on meditation rather than on doctrines, rituals and monastic living. Originally, monks were eremitic figures, living alone from the population to focus their time entirely on their religious pursuits. Buddhist monasticism, with its tradition of councils and missions, spread from India to the Middle East and eventually west. Mahayana Buddhism. Yes. Hence, the Buddhist monks help to preserve the monastic orders in Buddhism. Christian monasticism followed in its footsteps in the areas where Emperor Ashoka sent missions. The Buddhist monastic lifestyle grew out of the lifestyle of earlier sects of wandering ascetics, some of whom the Buddha had studied under, and was initially fairly eremetic in nature. As Buddhism spread, the Monastic Rule was copied and translated into new languages and remained the basis for monastic life, … The sangha is part—together with the Buddha and the dharma (teaching)—of the Threefold Refuge, a basic creed of Buddhism. Explore our list of Buddhist Monasticism eBooks & NOOK at Barnes & Noble®. Although some monasteries offer part-time ordination, in most schools of Buddhism, the choice to become a Buddhist monk or nun is a lifetime commitment. There is a massive Buddhist abbey near Carmel, New York. Typical of young monks during the time, he traveled to the capital, Bangkok, for doctrinal training but found the wats there to be dirty and crowded, as well as - what was most troubling to him - the monastic order to be corrupt, "preoccupied with prestige, position, and comfort with little interest in the highest ideals of Buddhism." A Buddhist nuns’ worldview goes against the grain of worldly society, where we’re expected to seek material gain, praise, a good reputation, love and appreciation, and tons of sense pleasure. You can see how the Sravasti Abbey schedule is designed to support spiritual practice by browsing the Day in the Life page. Buddhism originated as a renunciant tradition, practiced by ascetics who had departed from lay life. 05/09/2021 @ 9:30 am - 4:30 pm - Peacock King Sutra Chanting Session by Monastic Order (internal event) We dedicate the merits of our prayers to those affected by the pandemic. Observing the ordination order is also a way to training in respect for those who are senior to us. Welcome to the website of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives. The OBC is an international monastic order of men and women, who, together with lay ministers of the Order and our congregations and affiliated meditation groups, are dedicated to practicing the Serene Reflection Meditation tradition of Buddhism, also called Soto Zen. According to Buddhist tradition, the order of monks and nuns was founded by Gautama Buddha during his lifetime between the fifth and fourth centuries BCE when he accepted a group of fellow renunciants as his followers. The generic term for the Buddhist monastic order is the sangha; the terms denoting the order in all Buddhist countries are literal translations of the Indian word. theoretically divided into two assemblies, the male bhikkhu (Pali, Skt. This romanticized image is based largely on the ascetic rhetoric of texts such as the Rhinoceros Horn Sutra. The Order’s formal structure is similar to that found within a traditional Ch’an temple with an emphasis on mutual respect and equality. Buddhism will never truly belong to the west until strong monastic communities are present. He ordained other followers as renunciates after his enlightenment. The Revival of Buddhist Monasticism in Medieval China. A Buddhist monk otherwise known as the Bhikkhu in Pali or Bhiksu in Sanskrit can never be written off in the practice of Buddhism. Saturday, 6 March 2021 religion buddhism human rights peace MYANMAR. They were not necessarily eremitic as the lay community provided all the necessary requirements to Sangha. Frankfurt, 1966. Although Buddhism did not survive as a religion in India, the Buddhist sangha, or monastic order, inspired the earliest monastic movements in Hinduism. The Vinaya is not and never intended to be a legal code imposed by the lay Buddhist community on monastics. See Buddha. At the request of the Tibetans he founded the first monastic community by first ordaining seven young and promising Tibetans. The Buddhist monastic order is theoretically divided into two assemblies, the male bhikkhu (Pali, Skt. Buddhist Nuns, Monks, and Other Worldly Matters: Recent Papers on Monastic Buddhism in India By Gregory Schopen Buddhist Nuns, Monks, and Other Worldly Matters is the fourth in a series of collected essays by one of today’s most distinguished scholars of Indian Buddhism. Ch’an and Zen Buddhist monastic schools have adopted their own structures … Lay practices such as the worship of stupas (burial mounds containing relics) predate Buddhism and gave rise to later ritualistic and devotional practices. Originating as a monastic movement within the dominant Brahman tradition of the day, Buddhism quickly developed in a distinctive direction. While the Bhikku and Bhikkuni depend upon the laywomen and men for economic support, the lay community depends on them for spiritual guidance and ritualistic practices. Coed è s, George. It is indeed admirable that the existence of Buddhist Monastic Order for more than two and a half millenniums as the first ever human welfare organization in the world without deviating from its basic objectives. In the Page 24/33. People join monastic orders in order to accelerate their development. While any school and tradition has a hierarchical set of office and ranks, OEB has limited these to six. Focusing on Pali and Sinhalese chronicles, medieval Sri Lankan literature, epigraphical material, and foreign accounts, Ilangasinha examines the Buddhist monastic order, the education of monastics, the relation between the sangha and the state, and relations between the Sri Lankan sangha and other Theravada countries during the 15th and 16th centuries. Sangha, Buddhist monastic order, traditionally composed of four groups: monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen. Stepping into Freedom: An Introduction to Buddhist Monastic Training, … In Vietnam he cofounded the An Quang Buddhist Institute and the Van Hanh Buddhist University. bhikshu) assembly, and the female bhikkhuni (Skt. Followers were drawn to Buddha’s teachings and the practice of meditation, and he later established a monastic order. Our practice was passed on by the late Reverend Master Jiyu-Kennett, … "Celtic Buddhist monasticism is inspired and informed by the life of St. Francis, Mother Theresa and St. Brendan, to name a few, and seeks to create a strong religious Buddhist/Christian monastic community. Synonyms for monastic order in Free Thesaurus. The Buddhist monastic order consists of the male bhikkhu It has been pointed out that the Buddhist Order is the glue that, in the absence of any overall spiritual authority, holds Buddhism together. Celtic Buddhist Monks. We are now in the 2554th year since the Buddha passed away beyond sorrow. The most influential founder of Hindu monasticism was Sankara, a … Monastic life plays an important role in many Christian churches, especially in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions as well as in other faiths such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. With a growing collection of Chinese translations of Buddhist texts, Buddhism became more widely known and a Chinese monastic order was also formed. We continue to meet every other year, with a Rules Conclave every sixth year. monastic organisation and the general Chinese antipathy towards a deliberate celibate life such as that required by Buddhist monasticism, all hindered the establishment and development of the Chinese Buddhist monastic order for women. bhikshuni) assembly. Meditation is an important practice in Buddhism. Buddhism is widely known throughout the world as a religion of peace and kindness. Bechert, Heinz. The monastic order.—The monastic order in Buddhism, as instituted by Gautama Buddha himself, was not essentially a new creation in India, but was derived from ancient Hindu usage and practice. The core beliefs of Buddhism: Buddhism, like Christianity and most of the other great religions of the world, is divided into many different traditions. monastic organisation and the general Chinese antipathy towards a deliberate celibate life such as that required by Buddhist monasticism, all hindered the establishment and development of the Chinese Buddhist monastic order for women. The Buddhist monastic Order, however, made it a custom for all monks and nuns to gather together and live stationary lives during the monsoon period – the three month Rains Retreat. The Monastery Rules: Buddhist Monastic Organization in Pre-Modern Tibet (South Asia Across the Disciplines) - Kindle edition by Jansen, Berthe. This remains a foremost source for the history and infrastructure of the Buddhist monastic order and its role in society and state in South and Southeast Asia. Since the Buddha’s time, monastic communities have relied on the fact of ordination order to establish simple things like seating assignments and to delegate responsibility. II Compared to the Kao-seng chuan (Lives of Eminent Monks)9 the PCNC is a thin document indeed. But they do have much in common. It combines the best elements of Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism. The monastic discipline of the Buddhist clergy varies widely in the different parts of the Buddhist world. In principle, the rules are laid down in the vinaya (monastic rules) portion of the Buddha’s sermons, but monastic traditions and regulations have also been shaped by environmental and cultural conditions. DEALING WITH MONASTIC REFORMS: A STUDY ON THE DEBATE OVER 'THERAVADA BHIKKHU KATHIKAWATH (REGISTRATION) BILL' IN SRI LANKA. Buddhism, founded in the late 6th century B.C.E. The Buddha and His Monastic Order- Prof. Kapila Abhayawansa, Vice Rector, International Buddhist College. Some of the members of that community were, like the Buddha himself, wandering ascetics. and do humanitarian work, either in poor countries. Buddhism Buddhism's core beliefs. The short answer is yes. Ven. the Buddhist Monastic Order and the Imperial States of Medieval China Mario Poceski* * Correspondence details: Mario Poceski, Religion Department, 132 Anderson Hall, University of Florida, Gaines-ville, FL 32611-7410, USA. Are there any Buddhist organizations or monastic orders that teach dhamma to lay believers. 2021-07-01 Three Pastors of the Baptist Church arrested in Kachin State: they … Initially consisting only of men, the Buddha recognized women after his stepmother, Mahaprajapati , asked for and received permission to live as an ordained practitioner. Buddhism Stack Exchange and Dhammadhatu is most beneficial. What are synonyms for monastic order? ASIA/MYANMAR - Buddhist monastic order to the military: call for an end to violence, it is urgent to start negotiations. The robe has three parts: The uttarasanga is the most prominent robe. Such ceremonies often emphasize rules or precepts set forth in the Vinaya (monastic disciplinary code), but the degree to which ordained men and women commit themselves to such rules or precepts exhibits much variation across Buddhist traditions. Introduction. This schedule seems to address the need to spend time with each other and discuss issues that jointly affect us all. Email: United Kingdom According to the 2001 census, there are around 150,000 practicing Buddhists in the … bhikshuni), are responsible for the preservation and dissemination of the Buddha's teaching and the guidance of Buddhist lay people. With the proper preparation and sense of commitment, anyone can take the vows of a Buddhist monk or nun and enter the walls of monastic life. Dhammasangani - … Welcome to the website of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives. The roles and observations of the monks came from the Buddha himself. He therefore organized the Buddhist Monastic Order on the basis of an established code of conduct, a hierarchy with in the Order and a daily and seasonal routine for the community of the monks within the Order. There’s much more to it than can be told here. bhikshu) and bhikkhuni (Skt. Tsum Monastic Communities Courses & Retreats Overview Courses Course Calendar November Course Introductory Courses Discovering Buddhism - 10 days Discovering Buddhism - 7 days Buddhism: The Next Step Meditation And Mind Training FPMT Basic Program Daily … Emphasizes compassion- the bodhisattva, having reached the doorway to nirvana, delays entering in order to care for others. The bhikkhus depend on alms to live. However, … Better yet, come experience a Buddhist monastic lifestyle by visiting Sravasti Abbey. The monastic order (sangha) is venerated as one of the three jewels, along with the dharma, or religious teaching, and the Buddha. The ideal Buddhist society is composed of what we call the ''Fourfold Assembly'', that is to say: male monastics, female monastics, male laymen, laywomen, and is … He has studied and taught at Columbia and Princeton universities and the Sorbonne in Paris. Views Siddhartha as one of many Buddhas, as a savior, and as often as a god. Buddhism - Buddhism - Historical development: The Buddha was a charismatic leader who founded a distinctive religious community based on his unique teachings. 2412-3196 DOI 10.1553/medievalworlds_no6_2017s40 The early communities of Buddha’s monks were small, and contained no more than 20 men. They were then recorded in the books of disciplinary rules called the Vinaya.A disciplinary code called the Patimokkha was also compiled in order to regulate the day-to-day conduct of the members of the Order. It is less known as a religion of gender-equality. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Even though Theravada emphasizes the lifestyle of a monk or nun, all sects of Buddhist monasticism have rules.A good example of a monastic tradition would be Zen Buddhism, which is considered, according to Britannica, the primary form of mainstream monasticism in Mahayana sects.Another case of Mahayana monasticism is found in Tibetan Buddhism, which is headed by … With a growing collection of Chinese translations of Buddhist texts, Buddhism became more widely known and a Chinese monastic order was also formed. theoretically divided into two assemblies, the male bhikkhu (Pali, Skt. Since Buddhist monastic texts do not explicitly address these concerns, I want to look at the actual monastic practices that arise from the Pratimoksha Rules in order to glean the values and the perspectives that created a cohesive and consistent approach to the environment among Buddhist monastic communities. Schools of Mahāyāna Buddhism without monastic communities of fully ordained monks and nuns are relatively recent and atypical developments, usually based on cultural and historical considerations rather than differences in fundamental doctrine. the Buddhist Monastic Order and the Imperial States of Medieval China Mario Poceski* * Correspondence details: Mario Poceski, Religion Department, 132 Anderson Hall, University of Florida, Gaines-ville, FL 32611-7410, USA. a religious way of life in which one renounces worldly pursuits to devote oneself fully to spiritual work. Kandy, Sri Lanka, 1978. Buddhist temples (wats) show that monastic landlords are aware of religious land’s revenue‐generating possibilities, but they resist the temptation to treat it speculatively. And, in fact, many Buddhists throughout the world are taught that women, because of their characteristic karmic dispositions, are incapable of awakening or of becoming a buddha, at least without first being reborn as men. It proved to be a significant force for literacy wherever it spread. The robes worn by Theravada monks and nuns of southeast Asia today are thought to be unchanged from the original robes of 25 centuries ago. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Monastery Rules: Buddhist Monastic Organization in Pre-Modern Tibet (South Asia Across the Disciplines). The extension of the monastic principle to women was even more revolutionary. The Buddhist monastic order is the oldest human institution still functioning under its original bylaws. Buddhist monastic literature now contains provisions that would have rendered nuns ritually and hierarchically subservient to and Page 7/33. Still, Buddhist monks and nuns use the example of the Buddha's life story as a behavioral model. Through Buddhist history, in communities of celibate Buddhist men and women there were two ideal modes of behavior, reflecting the origins and historical developments preserved in the Buddha's story. The retreat began on the first day of Sravana and came to an end on the last day of the month of Asvin: roughly from July to the end of September. In general, these roles are contained in the Vinaya-Pitaka. Originating as a monastic movement within the dominant Brahman tradition of the day, Buddhism quickly developed in a distinctive direction. This lifestyle was not necessarily isolationist or eremetic Theravada Buddhism continues this tradition. A Tibetan monk is shown here engaged in solitary meditation. The History of Buddhist Monasticism and Its Western Adaptation ... or monastic order. 2412-3196 DOI 10.1553/medievalworlds_no6_2017s40 Laure Carbonnel Centre d’Etude des Mondes Africains (CEMAF), Paris On the Ambivalence of Female Monasticism in Theravāda Buddhism A Contribution to the Study of the Monastic System in Myanmar How have Buddhist nuns in Myanmar engaged themselves in monastic rela- tionships while being officially excluded from the monastic institution (the Sangha) since the female order disappeared? Monasticism in India owes its origins to Buddhism. order and the creation of a code of rules and regulations for the conduct of monastic life. Buddhist monastics in Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, and Cambodia can be termed non-wandering mendicants, for the monks fan out in the early morning to collect food in their alms bowls but return to their houses to eat in a cenobitic fashion. The first notable one was Anshigao from Central Asia who came to China in the middle of the second century. bhikshuni) assembly. It is sometimes also called the kashaya robe. It … Theravada rests on core Buddhist teachings including the four noble truths and eightfold path to enlightenment, the three jewels (Buddha, dharma, and sangha), and concepts such as impermanence, non-self, karma, rebirth, and dependent origination (the co-arising of phenomena), along with ethical precepts and the meditation practices of samatha (calm abiding) and vipassana (insight). Monks and nuns, called bhikkhu (Pali, Skt. bhikshuni) assembly. The Buddhist monastic order consists of the male bhikkhu assembly and the female bhikkhuni assembly. Initially consisting only of males, it grew to include females after the Buddha's stepmother, Mahaprajapati, asked for and received permission to live as an ordained practitioner. Gradually monks more were ordained by him, thereby establishing the Buddhist monastic order of the Mulasarvastivadin system in Tibet. Dhamma Talks — The Prairie Sangha of Urbana-Champaign. It’s an entity ripe in years, but whether it sits in the endangered species category or that of the hardy perennial remains to be seen. Monastic Education in Korea is essentially a biography of the Korean Buddhist monastic curriculum over the past five centuries. The monastic community as a whole is called the sangha. Antonyms for monastic order. Typically, monks and cloistered nuns practice an ascetic lifestyle, wearing plain clothing or robes, eating simple food, praying and meditating several times a day, and taking vows of celibacy, poverty, and obedience. eISSN-Nr. bhikshu) assembly, and the female bhikkhuni (Skt. It seems that Buddhist teachings have depicted women as religious interlopers whose place belongs in the fringes of Buddhist worship and leadership among the monastery elite. At the beginning of the second millennium, Asia’s most venerable organisation, the Buddhist saṅgha, underwent a final and radical change. Read Free Buddhist Nuns Monks And Other Worldly Matters Recent Read Free Buddhist Nuns ... order study the Buddhist scriptures, devote themselves to meditation, and give instruction. Each was autonomous, following set boundaries for the monks’ rounds of seeking alms. Learn more about the sangha in this article. In Theravada Buddhism, an Anagarika (Pali: anāgārika/ā; lit., "homeless one") is a person who has given up most or all of his worldly possessions and responsibilities to commit full-time to Buddhist practice. bhikshu) assembly, and the female bhikkhuni (Skt. II Compared to the Kao-seng chuan (Lives of Eminent Monks)9 the PCNC is a thin document indeed. Buddhism and Society. . According to Buddhist tradition, the order of monks and nuns was founded by Gautama Buddhaduring his lifetime between Monasticism Buddhism includes the order of bhikkhu and bhikkhuni which was founded by Gautam Buddha. Sila, Sikkha And Sikkhapada The complete spiritual development of the early Buddhist disciple who has voluntarily embarked on the life of brahmacariya seems to have been covered under the term sikkhā which means culture, training, discipline and also study. The monk’s robe goes back to the Buddha’s own time for, it was He who introduced it to the early monks. The first notable one was Anshigao from Central Asia who came to China in the middle of the second century. Buddhism. In many Theravada countries, the novice nuns who have no hope of full ordination are expected to be housekeepers for monks. In this view, monks and nuns remained celibate, and those who faltered in their "vows" of monastic celibacy were immediately and irrevocably expelled from the Buddhist Order. Both Mahāyāna and Theravāda also provided a clear and important place for lay followers. The OBC is an international monastic order of men and women, who, together with lay ministers of the Order and our congregations and affiliated meditation groups, are dedicated to practicing the Serene Reflection Meditation tradition of Buddhism, also called Soto Zen. There's also an intermediate status, Maechi. Buddhism , a major world religion, founded in northeastern India and based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who is known as the Buddha, or Enlightened One. These textual references do not target LGBTQ people specifically, as everyone within the monastic order is expected to refrain from all forms of sexual relations. 1 synonym for monastic order: order. This is the first book in any language offering a comprehensive study that places Daoxuan (596-667), one of the most important scholarly monks, in the context of medieval Chinese Buddhist history. May we all enjoy health and peace of mind. These are some general aspects of a Buddhist monastic’s lifestyle. Rules adopted by most Christian monastic communities is that of St. Benedict or St. Augustine. Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey hosted our 2019 biennial monastic sangha gathering in September. However, most of them share a common set of fundamental beliefs. If they find the process of development too difficult, or come to believe that they will not make progress on the path, or otherwise become disenchanted with the monastic life, then there is no harm in leaving the order. Monasticism (from Ancient Greek μοναχός, monakhos, from μόνος, monos, 'alone'), or monkhood, is a religious way of life in which one renounces worldly pursuits to devote oneself fully to spiritual work. Abstract. Involvement of women in the religious life has at most times been either non-existent or dubious (as for instance in the case of the Indian devadasis and their counterparts in other countries). Monastic orders are groups of men or women who dedicate themselves to God and live in an isolated community or alone. eISSN-Nr. ... Women in Early Buddhism. Dana-pati. Buddhism, far more than in other monastic traditions of the world—with the possible exception of Jainism—attaches central importance to the order, in part because the Buddha began every one of his sermons with the address bhikkhave (“O … Monks (and nuns) undertake the training of the monastic order (the Vinaya) which consist of 227 rules (more for nuns). Growth of the Buddhist Monastic Order. The Sangha, the Buddhist monastic order, comprises Bhikku (monks), Bhikkuni (nuns), laymen, and laywomen. Further information: Sangha Buddhism originated as a renunciant tradition, practiced by ascetics who had departed from lay life.

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