how to convince bipolar to get help

I'm glad I caused some thinking, that's one of my goals! I am scared and frustrated. Now there is only one question that matters: is Joe a danger to himself or others. I truly believe that he needs to go into an institution for evaluation but he will not think of it. I am scared to go, really scared. For these reasons, optimal treatment consists of a combination of medication, therapy, and spiritual support. My daughter is almost 50 years old. When they're depressed, they don't believe help is possible. If you need help finding a group in your area, search for “bipolar support groups” or “mental illness support groups” and your location, or email for help. My wife has been diagnosed with bipolar parnoid schizophrenia for 40 years and has had 3 relapses because of not being medication compliant. I feel like I am treading on egg shells. Keep encouraging him to get help. sh- -. I do see it in them. Take it one day at a time. I know it is very hard on parents. i am out of control and i wont listen to her or any one. Hi Heather, He deals with her UPS and downs on a daily basis and her threats about killing her self when she gets in one of her moods. He told me yesterday that he was very concerned about me. She went to marriage counseling with my Dad and according to him, she made herself the victim in every situation, but he did just sit there and let her do it. Unfortunately that is the nature of this and many other diseases. And this is just one scenerio when she reacts like that. So I’m at all wits end here. And I really don't know who much more I can truely handle. This may be true, but he still has pretty bad episodes that have cause us to have break ups, him to abuse anxiety prescription drugs, and cause family strife. In this case, there are really only three things you can do. Yes, I would say your boyfriend needs therapy but if his family has made an ultimatum about seeing his grandchildren and he hasn't gotten help it seems pretty clear that he _doesn't_want_help_. Lawyers! The article is accurate in that people cannot be forced to seek treatment, but remember we also make choices to stay in the abuse bipolar people deliver. There will be those who will never seek help. it was a waste of time. It's not easy being in a bipolar relationship, so here's some information for you to think about. I’ll illustrate using my fictitious, suspected bipolar, Joe. That will not help. One minute they love you and the next the phone is being blown up with the most awful and hurtful texts. I agree that staying calm whatever approach you take when talking to someone who is struggling with mental illness is definitely key. Most of my current friends (I tend to lose them) have heard my stories of gross human rights abuses in treatment and just plain disrespect and they agree that what's out there for me in terms of so-called treatment, in a word, sucks. He came back to his normal loving self wanted my mom back they moved into his new apartment and the new car was repoed he lost his job too.. You might find it helpful to gather some close friends and family members to talk to the person and try to convince them to get help. What a country, what compassion! Communication And Trust: How Do I Convince A Loved One To Seek Help? 3) Online support If a support group is not available in your area, or the person doesn’t want to … Keep posting and know that we care. The previous time we split up she had been in love with me>no longer loved me>and got back together because she loved me all within a week and a half time. With our current split up(which thus far has mirrored the last one),i am told that she is not in love with me anymore, where only a week ago she wanted to have more children with me. True, I would recommend seeing a doctor, but this is a free country which means Joe gets to be as crazy as he wants to be. I can not imagine being in my body and yet having such an altered state of perception and reality. - Natasha. We work together and my staff have even noticed it. Trust is crucial in shaking someone's denial and in motivating them to get help. You can learn the strategies that work, practice them yourself, and then introduce them to the person with depression. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. While it's vital for you to get help for someone in your life who has bipolar disorder and is dealing with the anxiety that goes with it, your stress levels should always be on your mind as well. At this point, I think he is experiencing a drug induced psycosis. Retrieved If you live in an unsafe environment though, where choking and knives are involved, you _must_ contact the authorities right away. And you are right that people aren't thinking logically. A doctor/therapist would have to take a look at the whole picture to make a determination. If there’s serious danger, you have to take serious action. My mother has been very difficult to handle over a lot of years. He has been taking medication for that since then. I have also told my mother about her problem and she refuses to get help or even admit that she has a problem. 1 comment. (he's 26 hears old) We had an episode so 6 months back that he wouldn't get out of bed for days and kept saying he hoped he would never wake up. The Nations Voice on Mental Illness. I want her to be able to stop these patterns of social destruction before it is to late but I don't know how to go about helping her if she won't even consider that she might have a problem. He doesn't believe that he has bipolar. She is the thing that causes friction in our marriage. She is paranoid, delusional, disorganized and irrational. by al10 » Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:04 pm I believe my wife is suffering from bipolar disorder, or something with a similar set of symptoms. He takes medicine, but never consistently. We all want to help people, I do too, but we all have boundaries, and those boundaries keep us safe. With other people, it works best to be direct about your concern regarding a mood disorder. That's something many people don't do. Your feedback would be helpful. Until your girlfriend recognizes a problem, she's not going to be interested in looking for a solution. Try using a help line or a support group as “practice” for opening up to friends, family, or professionals that you … Please call a help line right away:… She won’t get help. What should I do? They told me they put up with this for 30 years. Joe, I think you might have been exhibiting hypomanic symptoms two weeks ago because you barely slept for a week straight and didn’t eat. How to Help Your Adult Child If They Have a Mental Illness Seven steps for parents who love an adult child with a mental illness. Hi Heather, There are many ways in which you can convince someone to get treatment for addiction. And because he is the breadwinner, he threatens me that I will be out on the streets. When my husband became violent with me during a manic episode I called the police, they thought he was on drugs because of how irrational he was acting (he was not, tox results came back neg), at the hospital the ER doctors thought he had brain trauma because of how he was talking and how aggressive he was (no brain trauma found), eventually my husband was tazed and had a major heart attack because of this. Everyone else is the problem. - Natasha. 100% Upvoted. He still thinks it was the fault of everyone else but him. I gathered up his musical equipment for storage and sale of some items, but the really good stuff (Les Paul guitar w/P90 soap bar pickups, et. So we are thinking bi polar.. Hopefully, you find those helpful. When he is up he is still demanding no matter how close he is or how far away we are. Another way to convince the person who is struggling with alcohol or drugs is to get someone who is an expert on addiction and have them do a one on one talk with this person. "Cutters" or people who self-harm do so for several reasons, for some it's to distract from the (worse) pain they are feeling inside, for some it's a way of externalizing the pain and there are many other reasons too. Every time I've made any type of acknowledgement about my disease, I've had loved ones of people suspected of having a mental illness come to me and ask this same question: “How do I get my fill-in-the-blank to get help?” It's one of the reasons I've decided to be so transparent with my struggle. Any assistance is appreciated. If you need help finding a group in your area, search for “bipolar support groups” or “mental illness support groups” and your location, or email for help. She is 27 and has been verbally abusing me and blaming me for years on and off for everything and anything. Hi Melinda, This expert on addiction should explain to the addict what will happen if they do not get the help they need to get … Try to educate yourself about bipolar disorder before you start the talk. Even when he's manic, he's only ever hurt me emotionally. I wrote for help.I come from a very large fam.They have all given up except myself and one brother.My other brother have a bipolar disorder.I was told I was frustated, I'm past frustated,Im completely stressed out and breaking out. Print off the diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder and figure out why you think Joe fits that diagnosis. The last one started in 2013 and is still going on. I felt like a heel, but I had to save myself and get back to my wife and kids. We are now into his third manic episode. It all starts when he decides he wants to lose weight and go to the gym day and night wakes up early to go and goes till late after work.. I am seriously considering taking legal action against his doctor. He is very confused, has a hard time communicating his thoughts. She has to be willing to get help. He takes medicine, but never consistently. It's a bit more of a bomb though because as soon as you start involving emotion, this can ramp up and get out of control really quickly and trigger the mentally ill person. Although bipolar disorder can derail a person’s life, it is a condition that can be treated, and people can live productive and healthy lives if they get help. He lied about taking the medication. I know it's not the basis of you. Some bipolar people refuse treatment their entire lives. Freaky Deaky, Huh? And thinks that every single person in her life needs helps. Choose the appropriate people to join you. Both in my profession and as a mother of a 22 year-old daughter who has been living with bipolar disorder since age 12, I have personally seen the difficulties experienced by both the loved one and those who care about him/her, particularly at the outset. I think I have maybe a month more to wait. he was told that the medicine was put in his food so now he s avoiding eating at home. Unfortunately, mental illness does run in families so having a mother be so ill that she committed suicide would certainly put someone at a high risk for having their own mental illness. How to convince someone to get help alexandre001. Also, there is a book for people in your situation that you should look up (not associated with me or HealthyPlace):… We ought to export this to the third world after all, they are a backward people! I have spoken to her sister about things that have happened with her, and she agrees with me. Everyone else is the problem. For example, she asked me to use my desktop computer, which I was currently using, so i suggested that she use our laptop instead. i know what you guys are going through. Telling my mom he hates her wants a divorce etc etc.. Never loved her yada yada. Last night I forgot to tell her his computer room was off-limits to everyone. Are there any ways that I can get help with this? Living with such unpredictability is like that. she could not do any thing intil i do something wrong . And yet, what is the alternative if someone absolutely refuses help? - Natasha, N, As I said, your love story came off a bit melodramatic-but hey what do I know about Lesbians (I do not mean that in the perjorative sense); my wife was a cutter too, she has since stopped; I don't understand cutters but my wife said it was the only way to relieve the pain (emotional/psychic pain that I inflicted). People are scared to talk about mental illness and everything tends to get emotional before the first word is uttered, but if you’re trying to make Joe come to a realization, you can’t afford that. So I’m at all wits end here. Sunday morning at breakfast she pulled me away from the table and asked me about again, I told her not the right place, she cried thru breakfast. He lives in a rented room that his father pays for and is on Medicaid. She pushes herself on everyone in her life, that other members of the family have cut her out. Without him this only happend once, I don't reply to quik on his bbm, he says I only think of myself, he blames me that I am mad, he always have to be right, if any of these issues arise, he delete and block me. It's no doubt it's a really tough situation. Love is very important, of course! Every time we had a plan to get him addmitted to hospital-he took off in his Lexus; I didn't see him until a day and a half later. You may have to decide if you can support her the way she is and wait for her to be ready to get help - if she ever chooses to. However, its also important that the people in their lives such as friends or family members know how to help when theyre going through a manic or depressive episode. I found that logic wasn't the thing that convinced him to get help. I certainly appreciate that your husband responded to your communicating the effect he was having on you. Hospitals, doctors, therapists, meds...nada. I have been with my fiance now for 7 years and I have long suspected her of being bipolar. I just can't. Others view their illness as a distraction or a weakness, and they don't want to give in to it. Question: My mother is 48 years old and exhibiting what appear to be early symptoms of schizophrenia. And it doesn't seem to be getting any better. It is destroying my life. For example, the symptom "Racing speech and thoughts"; where i have watched her change her mind on something, going back and forth between two options, 3 and 4 times in only a few minutes with unrelated dialog in between. Developing a plan to counter their reasons for not getting help will go a long way. Thanks for dropping by and your comments. This is the first time I’ve read anything on how to handle people with bipolar symptoms that won’t get help. Mom swears it's not meth. She is a beautiful girl and should you meet her you would think she is the nicest, kindest person you could meet but when it comes to me - I'm the person she wipes her feet on. al.) The behavior has majorly affected both her social and professional life; ending most of her friendships in anger & most of her jobs mot lasting longer then a few months. of bipolar people it would force them to deal with their illness. 3) Online support If a support group is not available in your area, or the person doesn’t want to … And I could not agree with you more; we have yet to find a treatment center that could help him with the addiction that I believe is a symptom of, as well as a trigger for, his bipolar disorder. I divorced him when she was three,not knowing what any of that was back then. I can understand that being put into someone else's custody would be frightening to think about, but that may be what's best for you right now. Not to mention our brain, which is supposed to be paying attention to our behaviors, is the thing that’s sick. Thanks for bringing it up. How do I help this man, I love him, even if I can't be with him. Logically, going to the doctor, getting a diagnosis and getting help doesn’t sound scary, but if you’re the one faced with psychiatrists, personal, probing questions, destroying what you know and treatments that might make you feel worse before you feel better, you might find the concept daunting. He blames me for this also as I reached out to them during one of his rages. Anyhow she went in and cleaned and dusted his desk not throwing away anything just getting it straight and dusted. Crazy tends to obscure reality. You need to decide if you can live with his behavior. These people have legal power to have me locked up...then within about six weeks I could become a ward of the state, lose my dog, lose my housing, lose my credit cards and control over my finances, lose access to a computer and the Internet, and of course my freedom just to walk the dog and be in sunshine and go to places like church and the library. I feel absolutely lost. I want to start by saying that I love this woman and want to spend the rest of my life with her, so I will do everything I can to help her better herself and I will not give up on her without a fight. My mother was diganosed with a bipolar disease over 12 years ago, when I was in the 6th grade. We crazies don’t have to see doctors. Helping your friend with bipolar disorder requires patience and understanding, but remember to treat yourself with the same care and respect you provide your friend. She's been in a manic cycle for 10 months and she's totally self destructed but blames everybody else and goes into a rage if you suggest she needs professional help. Any help is appreciated. hide. His mother comitted suicide (she was bi-polar, and her husband-the Jerk-pusher her over the edge; she did the deed with a bottle of Valium). It is often the case that those around a person with bipolar disorder spot the disorder before the person themselves does. Everything I do for fun, or every trip I make she brings it right back to herself, and how lonely she is, and how they don't go anywhere, or do anything. If the person who refuses treatment is relatively well: Be patient, supportive, and when appropriate, encourage the person to seek treatment. they told my wife . She has always had to do everything Alone. I couldn't stay with him anymore, he was destroying me. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts. It's hard to convince some people to get treatment; sometimes it's impossible. That is what the legal system has come to, why the distinction? How Long Does Coronavirus Live On Surfaces? And add after lung problems: BUT after its passed, he is the most loving man on earth, until the next rage, and I can feel it coming, I know its coming when it gets closer. Sad, but true. I relate to several stories here. How to Convince Someone You Care About to Get Help for Depression When you suspect someone you care about is suffering from depression, your support and encouragement can go a long way in getting them on the road to recovery. This can help you get your words straight so you know how to express yourself. Here, bipolar disorder . He and I tried to talk to her personal physician at the request of my therapist. Understand that no one wants to be bipolar. She also is being asked to move out of her current residents in a couple of months, and I can’t bare to watch my husband lose it if and when she tries to move back in with us after what she’s done to us in the past. We hope he will someday realizes the damage and scars her actions have made on the kids along with himself. But, to top that off, they change their minds like they change their socks due to mood swings. I want to tell her doctor but I am afraid that I might get in trouble by my family. Her extended family including me has tried to help her the last few years, including financial support but she is in denial that she is bi-polar, says she'll never take meds again, they are poison, and she has been fired from 2 jobs, has lost everything - her car, her possessions, is on the street. How to convince my spouse to seek help? I have found out that it runs in his family and the ones who got help and took meds had improved 90%. It's available on-line at Cavershams for $23.50. For a variety of reasons, people with bipolar disorder won't go to a doctor for help. If you're concerned about a loved one who could have bipolar disorder, talk to them about seeing a doctor. Free will is an upsetting concept, really, particularly in the area of illness. Crazy!! That's especially true if there is a family history of emotional problems. I Kicked OxyContin-Cold Turkey in December of 2004-it very nearly killed me, the rehab gave me Suboxone (wich has Narcan in it) which threw me into complete withdrawal with no turning back. All 3 times, it is as if she goes into phases where she emotionally shuts down only to reboot a week later. I’ve watched this behavior and her self-destruction for years. I could never understand why my father would throw away his family over alcohol, but the truth is, he got to be as drunk as he wanted to be. I was scared,and I'm scared for him, he already had bypass surgery a few years back and almost died from a Staph infection. I can see that others are frustrated, too, because they've heard my stories about the injustices I faced in the mental health system and why I choose to refuse therapy and am getting off meds. the family has confronted him about his illness and he doesn't believe he has one. And not be jealous of my life for once. And when they're in a manic state, they often get irritated or offended when you suggest it. In most cases, Joe isn’t doing anything except ruining his life. That she has tried to talk to them about it back and wait for him to be ok but had... For what he needs to do about their mentally ill loved one with schizophrenia to help! Like they change their socks due to the third world after all, they are a backward!... People pick on me for yourself is overmedicated verify here 48 years old and I fear he has because. 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