The blue eggs of the Araucana chicken, unlike brown eggs, are not just colored on the outside of the shell; the color is throughout the shell. Araucana chickens were originally discovered in Chili by a Spanish aviculturist named Salvador Castello, who called the birds “Gallina Araucana”. You can use these characteristics to be sure the chickens you’re buying are truly the correct breed. Any thoughts or suggestions? Fresh Chicken Chicken Feed Chicken Eggs Farm Chicken Chicken Life Poultry Breeds Hobby Farms Chickens Backyard The Ranch. 37 Pins • 806 Followers. Maat van Uitert is a backyard chicken and sustainable living expert. Chickens; Dogs; Cats; Rabbits; Guinea Pigs; Hamsters & Gerbils; Birds; Bees; Gifts; Reduced Items; Pet Food; Chickens, Eggs and Hatching; Existing user? Sign In. And they have no tails. Posted 4 weeks ago . They do tend towards broodiness and make excellent mothers. Uses: Egg Layer Domestic Weight: Large Fowl: Cock 2.7 - 3.2Kg Hen 2.25 - 2.7Kg. Araucanas are rumpless (meaning they don’t have tail bones like most chicken breeds)) with small pea combs. Got this blue egg today for the first time. They are a hardy breed with great resistance to all common poultry-related diseases. Adult males weigh about 5 pounds while hens lay about 4 pounds, making them one of the smaller breeds of chickens. This one looks kind of like a large robin's egg. Not all Araucanas enjoy a lot of human attention, so it’s important to spend time with them frequently when they’re chicks and spend a lot of time feeding them treats if you want lap chickens. Araucanas are a chicken breed native to Chile and have distinctive tufts of feathers (called peduncles) that protrude near their ears. Blue and olive eggers. Colors can range from greyish or even violet-blue to turquoise or greenish-blue. Cheshire blue (blue eggs) Russets (olive eggs) Point of lay. According to Araucanas Online, today's bird doesn't much resemble its first ancestors, and is often confused with Ameraucana and Easter Egg chickens, which also lay blue eggs. We keep all the best birds in small breeding flocks of up to 10 hens with one cock. Blue and green eggs are most common although colour can range from a greyish or violet blue to a turquoise or greenish blue. The original “blue gene” comes from the Araucana chicken, which was bred into the Ameraucana chickens. Sign in with Twitter. Roosters are not aggressive and are often rather polite. They are the original blue egg layers, their eggs are unique as the blue colour permeates throughout the shell. In general, the breed can be a great flyer so it is essential to clip their wings or keep them housed in a fully enclosed […] There are five different color variations accepted into the St… Black Ameraucana chicken . London, UK, 19 March 2016, Blue hued Araucana free range chicken eggs from Tesco. The best birds are kept to improve the breed standard and other birds go into our laying flock for their lovely blue eggs. DIY Small Horse Barn. The birds originated in Chile, where they are thought to have been bred by the Araucanian Indians. I have 2 breeding pens of Black and Blue Araucana, laying beautiful Blue/Green eggs, and as they are both laying well, have hatching eggs available. A post shared by Pampered Chicken Mama (@pamperedchickenmama) on Jun 3, 2016 at 7:20pm PDT, They can be a bit tricky to hatch yourself, and according to the Araucana Club of America “Where most breeds get hatch rates of 90%; Araucana breeders get successful hatches (double tufted & rumpless) of anywhere from 55% to 25%, including the posthatch period.”. What color eggs have you always wanted, but just can't seem to get? (Even though they’re easily confused and mis-marketed). I have a nice secure coop and chicken run for them. Get new ad alerts Near me; Araucana ; Boy/Girl; Latest; Price ; Price ; List; Gallery; Map; More options; Vip Member. 16 weeks old, unrelated, make excellent breeding stock or pets. You can buy hatching eggs, baby chicks, and started chickens. Colours available on the Farm: Large Fowl (L/F) Black & Lavender. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, If you’ve been wondering what this super cool (and rare) breed of chicken is about, then read below to, Araucanas are a chicken breed native to Chile and have distinctive tufts of feathers (called, Araucanas are rumpless (meaning they don’t have tail bones like most chicken breeds)) with, possibly the only chicken breed native to the Americas, and the name Araucana. Black araucana chickens/blue egg layers . Sign in anonymously. The Araucana breed comes from South America and are named after the Araucano tribe of Native South Americans. Eltham, Greenwich. Blue eggs are one of those fun perks of owning backyard chickens….but not all blue egg layers are the same. The parent birds are bred to look good, and lay well. Who doesn’t love a great blue egg laying breed like Araucana chickens. T he Araucana comes from South America and are named after the Araucano tribe of Native South Americans. comes from the Araucania region of Chile. They are famous for their lack of a tail. Hen chicken point of lay . 2016 Information; history; genetics and pictures about Araucana chickens - the blue egg layer hen. You can buy Araucanas at most major hatcheries however you should also seek a reputable breeder to ensure you’re getting true Araucanas and not Ameraucana or Easter Egger chickens. The origins of the British Araucana go back at least a hundred years and mentions of blue egg laying chickens appear in the 1700s. Many debates have been held regarding the Aracauana’s origin in the United States. They are prolific layers for a rare breed and are usually in lay by 20 - 24 weeks of age. Bantam: Cock: 740 - 850g Hen: 680 - 790gEgg Colour: Green / Blue. The Ameraucana has a tail, it is muffed and bearded. Blue Araucana Chickens. It’s important to remember that if you’re looking to raise purebred Araucanas, to buy chickens that adhere to the traditional characteristics of the breed. Or sign in with one of these services. "blue araucana" - Poultry and Game, For Sale in the UK and Ireland We found 31 'blue araucana' for sale adverts for you in 'poultry and game', ... Cheshire Blue Chickens . Temperament: Araucanas are great characters, they are a very friendly breed, inquisitive and easily tamed to come to hand for pets. The males of the Quetero have loud musical voices. We hatch all our stock on the farm for each new season. Two tufts are considered ideal for the breed. The cock birds don’t tend to be aggressive. Haddiscoe, Norfolk. Green/blue Egg Laying Hen & Fancy Breed Chicks . In addition, links on this page might be affiliate links, which means we earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. They will often lay throughout the winter months. They came from a cross between two breeds from Northern Chile, Colloncas, and Quetros. The Araucana is actually a combination of Colloncas and Quetros chickens of Chile – the first chicken inhabitants of the continent. £45 the lot... 5. . The blue laying gene is a genetic anomaly possibly caused by a retrovirus or way back in the evolution of the Araucana breed. The Araucana was officially named in the 1930s. Cabras Animal Gato Animal Cute Baby Animals Farm Animals Animals And Pets Wild Animals Funny Animals Beautiful Creatures … They should lay blue eggs, be recognized colors, exhibit the tufts, and be rumpless. it is a rare breed. Who doesn’t love a great blue egg laying breed like Araucana chickens? © Higher Oak Farm Ltd. All Rights Reserved | Website design & photography by, Higher Oak Farm , Higher Lane, Lymm, , WA13, United Kingdom. <3 She's about 2 years old, and lays blue eggs! The Araucana with its eye-catching ear tufts on the other hand is “rampless”. The Ameraucana is a medium size bird. Araucanas lay blue eggs, and on average they lay 260 eggs annually. Araucanas are a fun chicken breed to own and despite their smaller size, they can lay nice big eggs. (You can tell of an, Not all Araucanas enjoy a lot of human attention, so it’s important to spend time with them frequently when they’re chicks and spend a lot of time, They don’t require special feed, are docile, and the hens don’t get, You can buy hatching eggs, baby chicks, and started chickens. Blue eggs are one of those fun perks of owning backyard chickens….but not all blue egg layers are the same. Sometimes those crossbreeds are given the name of “ Easter Egger ” which isn’t actually a breed. Araucana?are placid, vigorous and hardy?birds. The blue-green egg is coloredright through the shell so that even the inside is just as blue as the outside. This breed is known for being docile and calm. Araucanas are commonly confused with Ameraucanas, a breed developed in the United States in the 1970s, based on the Araucana breed, but they are two distinct breeds. We tried getting blue eggs for years, but forces of nature always worked against us….until Hawk! Free ranging friendly hens. It is tough to find a rooster over 6.6lbs in weight and a hen over 5.5lbs. There are records of blue egg laying chickens in South America going back to the 1520’s. The Araucanas are slightly bigger, a rooster can be up to 7lbs in weight and a hen around 6lbs. Both full sized Araucana chickens and bantam breeds are recognized, and recognized color varieties in the United States include black breasted red, silver duckwing, golden duckwing, black, and white. The Quetros had tufted ears, pea comb, full tail and laid brown eggs. Though there is certainly nothing wrong with a mixed-breed chicken for the backyard flock, those trying to improve the actual breed will have to search for a reputable breeder to find authentic Araucana chickens. Pictures Of Araucana Chickens Sign In . FrugalChicken, LLC is not a licensed veterinary service. I don’t really want to start with chicks due to lack of experience. There are records of blue egg laying chickens in South America going back to the 1520's. The Ameraucana rooster is popular for backyard chicken breeders since the hens always lay blue eggs! They are quite rare and only available through breeders. I have bred them for over 14 years, and keep my own pullets, and buy in cockerels as required. Size of the Chicken . Written By Bri Wyzard. The blue laying gene is a genetic anomaly possibly caused by a retrovirus or way back in the evolution of the Araucana breed. Sign in with Facebook . Maat has been featured on NBC, CBS, AOL Finance, Community Chickens, the Huffington Post, Chickens magazine, Backyard Poultry, and Countryside Magazine. Check Price. Thank you! Araucanas were added to the Standard of Perfection with the American Poultry Association in 1976. 20 days ago. Araucana chickens: The wacky blue-egg layers. The breed can be born with or without a tail, those without are known as Rumpless Araucanas. Sign in with Google. (Even though they’re easily confused and mis-marketed). Forgot your password? There are records of blue egg laying chickens in South America going back to the 1520's. Araucana chicken eggs are green and blue and are the most common. Egg Quantity Large fowl: 200 per Annum medium to large egg Breed Colours : Black, Black-Red, Blue, Blue-Red, Crele, Cuckoo, Golden Duckwing, Lavender, Pile, Silver Duckwing, Spangled, White (Standardised). They’re possibly the only chicken breed native to the Americas, and the name Araucana comes from the Araucania region of Chile. If you’ve been wondering what this super cool (and rare) breed of chicken is about, then read below to learn all about Araucanas, including their particular breed characteristics and how to spot the real deal from their closely related kin, Ameraucanas, Easter Eggers, and Cream Legbars! Araucanas are prolific layers of strong-shelled, blue or green eggs. Jul 8. They have feather tufts coming out of their cheeks. Born on the 1st of May onwards. blue egg layers. DIY Small Horse Barn Construction. Unavailable per item Silver Duck Wing with tails or Rumpless Araucana's. Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. The bantam variety also include buff as a recognized color. The precise historical moment of introduction to the British Isles is not known however it is reported that a Chilean nitrate ship floundered off the coast of Scotland in the 1930’s and the descendants of bearded, muffed, tailed Araucanas that were aboard were scattered among the Inner Hebrides. We offer chicken … The early history of Araucanas is not very well documented, so we don’t know much about how these birds originated. All other breeds which lay blue eggs have had Araucana genes introduced into their breed. Araucanas are very distinctive looking birds they have a triple pea comb, crests, muffs and beards, they do not have wattles.When crossed with any other breed, the offspring will lay a green / blue egg. All other breeds which lay blue eggs have had Araucana genes introduced into their breed. Both chickens consistently lay bright blue eggs, but differ in those main features: the tailless Araucana is shaped like a pear with tufts on top, and the Ameraucana looks more like a typical chicken but with a feather beard in the style of Abe Lincoln. Araucana chicks are strong, fast growers and mature quickly. Read more >> More >> Pets | Livestock | Chickens | Araucana | Haverfordwest. £15.00 - £40.00. For more information about Araucanas in the United States at Araucana Club of America. It lays blue-shelled eggs, one of very few breeds that do so. General Characteristics: Araucana’s are great back garden bird for chicken enthusiasts. The Araucana on the farm originated from other members of the British Araucana club. Breeds. They are the original blue egg layers, their eggs are unique as the blue colour permeates throughout the shell. Breed Origin: Chile, South America. Finally, blue eggs on the farm! Chicken & Poultry Feed l Purina. Sign up with your email address to receive news, offers and updates from Higher Oak Farm. They don’t mind being kept in a pen but like fresh grass so the coop or ark will need moving on regularly. There’s definitely characteristics that differentiate Araucanas, Ameraucanas, Easter Eggers, and Cream Legbars! £45 . I am a new chicken momma and have two chickens I rescued about a year ago. The Araucana is a hybrid of two South American breeds: the Colloncas (a naturally blue-egg laying, rumpless, clean-faced chicken) and the Quetero (a pinkish-brown egg layer that has a long tail and prominent ear-tufts). The Colloncas laid blue eggs and were rumpless – no tail feathers and no tailbone. The name Ameraucana is a cross between American and Araucana. This website does not replace medical or veterinary advice by a licensed veterinarian. 17 days ago. Hatching eggs sired from this Lavender Araucana cockerel for sale. The United States has two standardized breeds of blue egg chickens. These birds are only 4-5 lbs. A post shared by Pampered Chicken Mama (@pamperedchickenmama) on Dec 6, 2017 at 2:59pm PST. Jun 14, 2016 - blue egg layers. For a full list of Araucana breeders, you can visit the Araucana Club of America at These are a cross between a South American Araucana Cockerel And a Leghorn Hen and lay a lovely light blue egg. In addition, there are several mutt breeds that produce a lighter blue or a green-tinted egg. Will lay blue eggs. I provide the means to evaluate what I say in the book. Araucanas are eye-catching chickens that always leave an impression in or outside the coop. These uniquely feathered blue egg laying beauties sure know how to stand out in … The tufts are present at birth (so if your Araucana doesn’t have them as chicks, they won’t develop them), and chickens can have no tufts, or just single tuft, or two tufts. … Raising chicks isn’t any different than raising other breeds. Their eggs are unique as the blue colour permeates throughout the shell. the Araucana, with its ear tufts and lack of rump, was standardized in 1976, and the Ameraucana, which has a tail, beard, and muff, which received a 1984 addition to the Standard of Perfection. Brahma chickens, hybrid hens, hatching eggs. Origin: Arauca region of Chile, South America. All other breeds which lay blue eggs have had Araucana genes introduced into their breed. The Araucana (Spanish: Gallina Mapuche) is a breed of domestic chicken from Chile. I feel specific approaches are necessary to get the “Blue egg chicken” basics explained to people. The Araucana breed comes from South America and are named after the Araucano tribe of Native South Americans. This is Hawk, an Ameraucana. Araucana Chickens Collection by Unique Creations by Shari Denise. Pretty sure it was Hawk who laid it, although there's two pullets about the same age I bred that are candidates, but they're olive egger crosses so most likely they would lay dark green or brown eggs. Report. They first appeared in Europe at the World Poultry Congress in The Netherlands in 1921, exhibited by Prof. Castello who imported them around 1914. (You can tell of an Araucana egg is truly a blue egg by looking at the interior of the shell.). Chickens > Araucana Araucana SKU: £40.00. You can follow Maat on Facebook here and Instagram here. 4 black araucana for sale, point of lay, 3 hens and a cockerel. Several breeds of the Araucana chicken were first bred in the United States in the 1930s. Its name derives from the Araucanía region of Chile where it is believed to have originated. Follow. She is also the author of Chickens: Naturally Raising A Sustainable Flock, which was a best seller in it’s Amazon category. Fully vaccinated. Love your daily reads! Her highly-viewed flock of blue egg-layers led to even more demand for “Rainbow Laying” eggs. Araucana is breed of Domestic chicken the Araucana hens lay Blue/Green eggs one of very few breed s that do so. Pampered Chicken Mama is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As always, it’s best to seek out a reputable breeder (more information on this at the end of this article.). By using this website, you agree that the information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not meant to treat, diagnose, or cure illnesses or diseases. I really want to get two more so I have a little flock but how can I introduce new chickens to my two hens. The hens really only lay their eggs during summer and spring months. This advert is located in and around Hereford, Herefordshire. She lives on her farm in Southeast Missouri with her husband, two children, and about a million chickens and ducks. Favourite this Advert. The Araucana was officially named in the 1930s. Sign in … Image of Araucana: By User:Anne Cushing – Own work, Public Domain, by Maat van Uitert | Feb 12, 2018 | Chickens | 1 comment, Table of Contents (Quickly Jump To Information). You can hatch Araucana eggs yourself (just be sure to buy fresh ones and store the hatching eggs correctly before incubating them). Khaki and olive can suggest that the hens have been crossed with other breeds. It’s hard not to fall in love with Araucana chickens. Physically, they are small and strange-looking (but in the most adorable way). One is a Rhode Island Red and the other a blond bluff. Araucana Chickens For Sale & Rehome in UK. Welcome Araucanas come in twelve standardised colours, both large and bantam, tailed and rumpless. Temperamentally, they are wacky and sweet. ?Many people are drawn?to them because of their blue eggs. They don’t require special feed, are docile, and the hens don’t get aggressive during brooding. Its name Ameraucana comes from the words ‘American’ and ‘Araucana’ which is the other chicken breed that lay blue eggs. Blue Eggs Green Eggs Hatching Eggs For Sale Garden Sculpture Lavender Outdoor Decor Lavandula Angustifolia. See more ideas about Araucana chickens, Chickens, Blue eggs. These True Araucana chickens are different from most common chickens. For a full list of Araucana breeders, you can visit the Araucana Club of America at, For more information about Araucanas in the United States at, Backyard Chickens: Frequently Asked Questions. Adult males weigh about 5 pounds while hens lay about 4 pounds, making them one of the, There’s definitely characteristics that differentiate, Araucanas lay blue eggs, and on average they lay 260 eggs annually. Sign In. 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