Supported values for nuget-version: latest-- the latest blessed NuGet release. Sometimes the logic for the bit of work you're doing in PowerShell won't be packaged into a handy PowerShell module with cmdlets to perform the operations you need to perform. nuget delete MyPackage 1. We expect you to add nuget.exe to the path of your choice. Then I append lib and eventually have this path C:\Users\{UserName}\.nuget\packages\log4net\2.0.8\lib which is missing the last part. I know the version number 2.0.8. - Set a breakboint at Tester2012Package.MenuItemCallback - In the Exp instance, open the ZlibTest project and build it, which will re-download the zlib package - In the Exp instance, select menu Tools -> Find Include Files. Package information on the right, and NuGet Pack command on the bottom. So I suspect NuGet 2 will not support a packages directory relative to the project folder. dotnet nuget add source
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