legate caesar's legion

Among the higher ranking members of the Legion there was a divide, with one side headed by Lanius calling for Caesar's replacement by a fresh, young leader. Ave, True to Caesar. Caesar's Legion then tra… [14] It seems the Legion does have a limited civil government, however, as evidenced by the Officio ab Famulatus (Office of Servitude) headed by M. Licinius Crassus, which is responsible for overseeing the ownership of slaves. Tribals and their general respect for power over anything else typically side with the Legion over the NCR. [42] Even Rose of Sharon Cassidy has admitted to admiring Legion-controlled areas, as they attract traders, merchants, and wastelander communities in general to their high level of safety, especially when compared to NCR territories and uncontrolled regions. The figure is covered, head to toe; in a large suit of heavy gauge steel. Caesar (real name: Edward Sallow) is the charismatic, yet ruthless and cruel leader (and founder) of Caesar's Legion. [58] Higher ranking legionaries, like veterans and centurions, are commonly provided with high quality, well maintained firearms, like the anti-materiel rifle or 12.7mm submachine gun, which they can use with frightening efficiency. Even things like a reluctance to use advanced technology have more to do with his desire to keep the Legion ignorant/dependent on him than with anything "historical". Those are pretty awful odds of reaching adulthood. 2. When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon and returned to Rome, his legion didn't rape and enslave their way through the city. Legion commander. The men who filled the office of legate were drawn from among the senatorial class of Rome. In Roman Britain, the tribes didn't stage a successful coup against the occupying forces even when given ample opportunity and more than enough reason to unite. Tribes were forcibly assimilated into the Legion, while cities and their inhabitants lived on as subjects of the Legion. Then the Fredonians. Caesar dislikes the thought of having robots win a war fought by men, as it defeats the need for sacrifice for the greater good. The tribes Caesar fought against and assimilated were primitive even by the standards of the post-nuclear world, with nothing even remotely comparable to what existed out west: No towns, no roads, no meaningful industry. His ultimate goal is to conquer the NCR and reform it into a military dictatorship. [21] Over the next four years, Caesar rebuilt his army, creating the finest possible blade with which to cleave through the Republic. Events that culminate in pyramids of human heads, mass blindings, and burning a cathedral down with an entire congregation inside. Admiral Brigadier general. The rest of the F:NV world pronounces "Caesar" the way most people in Pre-War America would have pronounced it. Other things Julius Caesar did: not leave a clear line of succession, resulting in the early fracture and borderline collapse of the nascent Roman Empire he created." Caesar's divine status allows him, in the minds of the Legion, to demand servitude from everyone. When they did, the Republic's forces pulled out of the city. - Vulpes will lead one - Aurelius will lead another - One or two Century (A company of 100 men strong Legionairy) might try to find former legate Malpaise and ask him to rejoin the Legion... a possibility of 'Byzantine' Legion led … The legatus legionis was under the supreme command of a Legatus Augusti pro praetore of senatorial rank. Legion members are fastidious about classical Latin pronunciations, such as pronouncing the traditional Roman greeting "ave" (hail) [ˈaweː], although at least some Legion subjects seem to use the Anglicized pronunciations. Right now, somewhere, someone is being beaten and horribly abused and even if given the opportunity to strike back at the person doing the abuse, they won't take it. [13], A natural consequence of this is the emphasis placed on personal sacrifice. The Legion is divided into Cohorts of 480 men, which are divided into: 3. Caesar learned from academic textbooks, so he passed on that tradition. Caesar's Legion was also to play in a minor role in the canceled Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2. He had to erase all traces of tribal identities, and substitute a single, monolithic culture in their place. [53] Developing a resistance to pain is also an integral part of the training, usually carried out via brutal hand-to-hand combat and melee weapons exercises. To prevent his grand plagiarism from being discovered, the standing order is to kill Followers on sight or deliver them (and any other learned captures) to Legion interrogators. The Legion is an ultra-reactionary, utilitarian slave army supported by several tributary populations. [36] Of particular note are the priestesses, who raise children taken from their parents, and raise them in keeping with Caesar's doctrine. They are presumably named after the Roman coins of the same names. To demonstrate that failure is not tolerated, even at the highest of ranks, Caesar ordered Graham to be burned alive. The Legate is the highest-ranking position in the entire Legion military and the second highest in Caesar's Legion surpassed only by Caesar himself. This generally means that Legion subjects have little, if any, political freedom, rights, or say in what happens to their communities. The Rise of the Legion, a free online Strategy game brought to you by Armor Games. These two divisions contain the best men the Legion can provide. Caesar sees NCR as Rome and his role in reforming it as Julius Caesar's role in reforming the republic (by turning it into a dictatorship). Caesar's Legion. Instead of enslaving skilled people and cutting into their power base, the Legion opts to enslave tribes (especially in areas dominated by them, like Arizona, New Mexico, and elsewhere). Like and Share this page. The top ranks of the legions are occupied by veterans (equivalent to pre-Marian Triarii), who form the third wave and rear guard. Caesar is playing his cards more cautiously this time, and will not give the order for Lanius to attack the Dam until he can unearth the contents of the vault sealed beneath his base in the Mojave. Those that make the mistake of speaking out about this end up as severed heads on spikes.[17]. The large figure hovers over anyone looking at him, standing at six foot eight. Legionaries are taught to believe (or made to) that all of the customs enforced by Caesar were dictated to him by Mars himself. Greek historians used the word "Κελτοί", and there's not a lot of debate over how that's pronounced. Joshua Graham helped found Caesar's Legion with Caesar, becoming known as the Malpais Legate. Those three in the pen are captures, nothing more. While it is difficult for us to know how Latin was actually pronounced in the time of Julius Caesar, classical pronunciation assumes that the presence or absence of certain letter/sound combinations in the surviving languages of Romanized cultures can inform our understanding. All it takes is the first chapter of Wheelock's (or equivalent) and you've got pretty much all the rules for pronouncing classical Latin. [4] The concept remains today as a diplomatic legation. Joshua was a Mormon missionary who started to lead the armies into battle. Thus, we have people hissing at each other over the pronunciation of "Celt" and "celtic": Anglicized Latin words passed to us through Old French from the days of the Roman Republic, where they had been borrowed from a Greek word that was likely a self-identifying term for a tribe on the Iberian peninsula. Legion Special Divisions Ave, in this post it will entail the current plans and application for the Legion Special Divisions. Reblog. Caesar's divine duty is to deliver the wasteland from chaos and barbarism. Praetor/ propraetor. The exchange rate is 4 bottle caps to 1 denarius, and 100 bottle caps to 1 aureus. The only absolute opposition to technology is in robotics. The senatorial legatus legionis was removed from the Roman army by Gallienus, who preferred to entrust the command of a legionary unit to a leader chosen from within the equestrian order who had a long military career. This principle is imprinted into each legionary during his reconditioning or upbringing (for those born into slavery), creating fanatically loyal soldiers. The least seasoned legionaries (equivalent to pre-Marian Hastati or post-Marian auxiliary skirmishers) are typically fielded first during battle, allowing them to prove their mettle in combat. Of course, the Legion has weak sides. [51] Finally, the Praetorians are an elite unit of bodyguard hand-picked by Caesar to protect him and the Legate from loss of life. The general rule is that obeying and following him is to follow the will of Mars. When the Legate ordered his elite forces to punch through and pursue Rangers decimating his officers and sowing chaos in the ranks, the Rangers and 1st Recon sharpshooters retreated into Boulder City. [64] The Legion also seeks to demoralize opposing armies before the battle even begins by torturing prisoners in sight of the army's position.[65]. The inscriptions are in Latin, "Aeternit Imperi" meaning "For the eternity of the empire" on the front and "Pax Per Bellum" meaning "Peace through War" on the back. The Legate. Joshua Sawyer then elaborated on the concept: One of the few big things I did on Van Buren was taking an organization Chris invented and changing it (perhaps mangling it in the process) into a neo-Roman slavers' legion with all the weird titles, makeshift costumes, and traditions of that group. By extension, disobedience is synonymous with condemning oneself to death. Legate of the legion. Inappropriately, we almost always use those terms to refer to Irish people and things. Caesar's Legion: The entire army, led by Caesar (political leader) and his Legate (military commander). [19] The Malpais Legate returned to Caesar in shame. The pronunciation of Latin in the game is based on classical, not ecclesiastic, rules of pronunciation. The denarius (silver), which bears an image of a younger Caesar on the obverse and Caesar, Joshua Graham and Bill Calhoun on the reverse. Arcade isn't exaggerating when he suggests that Caesar views the Colorado River as his Rubicon. They will not pause in killing innocents or non-combatants as they see everyone who isn't a Remnant as an enemy. The Legate is the most experienced commander in the armies of the Legion, he works as the commander of the entire legion, only having to obey Caesar. "In Caesar's view, NCR's problems have to do with the corruption of its government and what he sees as inherent flaws in NCR's republican system. Once healthy, his face became sunken and sickly, his nature more reclusive. I'm sure individual players might want to engage in ranking atrocities -- something I've never really found was productive in discussions about history -- but Caesar and his crew in the same league as other brutal warlords. When Arcade "jokes" that Caesar thinks that the Colorado River is the Rubicon, he's not far from the truth." The nearby Brigantes provided essentially no help to the Iceni and at least one source suggests Boudica may have even been poisoned by the Brigantes' queen. The author is helping with the Legion Underground. In this game you take the role of a Legate: the commander of a Roman legion during the Gallic Wars in the 1st century BC. Even in a state of Roman civil war, the tribes were unable to eject the Romans. Mr House VS Caesars Legion Hypothetical situation - NCR never made it to the Mojave, for whatever reason. Conquered men, women, children, elderly people -- they don't spontaneously rise up and try to kill people who abuse and oppress them. Chief Hanlon's plan went off without a hitch: The exploding buildings acted as giant fragmentation bombs, killing and maiming most of the legionaries and leaving the rest in a state of shock. Download skin now! Actually, my opinion's the same either way. The head of Caesar's Legion, Caesar was a former member of the Followers of the Apocalypse by the name of Edward Sallow sent east to learn more about the communities there.Caesar found a cache of old books on Roman history and was soon inspired to use the blueprint of the ancient Roman Empire to forge a new civilization to survive the wasteland. The one very notable case of rebellion was during Suetonius Paulinus' campaign in what is now Wales. Among the higher ranking members of the Legion there was a divide, with one side headed by Lanius calling for Caesar's replacement by a fresh, young leader. I may have taken the torch part more literally than they intended. After that, the Legion crumbled in the waning years, some making their own splinter Legion, or simply laying down arms and deserting to start a new life. They are very tactful military leaders and combatants. Remember that Caesar's Legion is basically a roving army that continually breaks down and absorbs tribes that it conquers. The extreme discipline and obedience of the lower ranks require a strong chain of command to exist, to guide the soldiers on the field of battle. He says that when the Legion dominates NCR, it will be akin to the rise of the Roman Empire following the republic. 1.2. Julius Caesar made wide use of the title throughout the Gallic Wars.[2]. Just as Italian doesn't follow Latin pronunciation (and in fact pretty much abandoned case, which is an enormous part of Latin -- thanks Jabby), Old French and Late Latin softened many of the Latin consonants before they entered English. Legate Lanius controls military aspects, Lucius is the head of the Praetorian guard, Vulpes Inculta is the head of the frumentarii, et cetera, et cetera. Without Caesar the legion would fall apart indefinitely, as Caesars ideals will die with him. In a province with only one legion, the legatus served as the provincial governor, while in provinces with multiple legions each legion had a legatus and a separate provincial governor who had overall command. Legate of the legion. In addition to Caesar, Mars also appears to be worshiped by Legionaries[48], although there is no mention of the other Roman gods. The Legion's symbol is a golden bull on a red field which is derived from. Legatus was also a term for an ambassador of the Roman Republic who was appointed by the senate for a mission (legatio) to a foreign nation, as well as for ambassadors who came to Rome from other countries. The Great Khans and White Legs are also firm allies of the Legion. [5] Prior to their arrival in the Grand Canyon, they met with a Mormon missionary, Joshua Graham. While she worked for the Followers, cooking and cleaning in their library, the young Edward learned how to read and started taking courses, provided by the organization free of charge. Control is very important to him, even if it means that the people who serve him lack any of the medical knowledge necessary to help diagnose or treat his problems. He wears hand forged armor made by special legion blacksmiths. Unlike the Roman Empire, experience and veterancy has no bearing on a legionary's position. by throwing them over the edge of Hoover Dam) if fatally wounded, to avoid bolstering the firepower of the legionaries. Former praetors—propraetors— could hold the governorship of minor provinces and command a legion and armies in the field. Legionaries are the main fighting force of the Legion, composed of able bodied men enslaved by the Legion or born into it. It began in 2250 when Caesar declared himself the Son of Mars, ordered by Mars to conquer all of Earth. This is literally exactly what Julius Caesar did with Legio XIII Gemina. The most obvious example is the name "Caesar" itself, one of the earliest Latin loan words to Germanic languages, which became "Kaiser". Legion commander. However while many "civilized" groups dislike the Legion's ways, they have great success in assimilating "tribal" groups. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. I think it's more likely that Legionaries would internally decide to get rid of Caesar (much like the historical Praetorian Guard did on several occasions), but I think this would require a mindset and perspective that is alien to most Legionaries. To prevent dissent, children of slaves are removed from their families and indoctrinated by priestesses of Mars. nationalist, imperialist, totalitarian, homogenous. If Caesar's Legion was left in the hands in a Legate, the Legion would undoubtedly be able to not only survive, but prosper. I spent real time on this and I … After the humiliating defeat at Hoover Dam, Caesar's Legion decided to retreat and regroup in their territories located in the Mojave Wasteland. Quoted verbatim, error appeared in the original source. [16][17], Obviously, the New California Republic was not willing to roll over and surrender. Caesar denied these problems, lashing out at any queries. 18,126. Come back when I've had some sleep! Caesar was acutely aware that the root cause of all the problems were tribal identities, leading to internecine conflict and preventing any substantial recovery. legate lanius: we will crush the NCR…enslave entire cities salt their fields and poison their water ... legion caesars legion fallout fallout new vegas shitpost degenerate. [14], However, those who escape this fate and become subjects enjoy superior stability and security, thanks to the Legion's governance. The Legion enforces the Cult of Mars, a cult of personality focused on worshiping Caesar as the Son of Mars, as the state religion. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. The conquest of NCR will establish a new order, akin to the Roman Empire, complete with the transformation of the Legion from a marauding army into a domestic military force. The former Legate was covered in pitch, lit on fire, and thrown into the Grand Canyon. Erstmals wurde die Neunte Legion im Jahr 57 v. Chr. As such, the NCR orders troops to destroy their weapons (eg. https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Caesar%27s_Legion?oldid=2148212, Power centralized in the Caesar, who is advised by the Legate, and leaders of the Frumentarii and Praetorian Guard, Strict hierarchy of leaders, warriors, civilians, and slaves. Already an accomplished scholar of dialects, Graham was supposed to teach Sallow about the local languages, but before that could happen, the Blackfoot tribe captured the three scholars for ransom. And when Caesar's not around, it's someone following his lead. To facilitate this conquest, Mars cleansed the Earth with fire, bringing humans to their lowest ebb. They were successful in causing a huge amount of civilian damage, but in the end, Paulinus' troops rolled over the Iceni and routed them. I've never thought of Caesar's or the Legion's activities as "edgy". [34][35], Women are expressly forbidden from fighting and act as support corps.They are caretakers, healers, midwives and breeders, fulfilling roles essential to maintaining the Legion's continuous campaign of expansion. prerequisites to be a legate in caesar's legion: hate logistics using barter on lanius is so funny he literally goes: hmmmm big thonk legate lanius fallout new vegas. A praetor was a senior magistrate in Rome. Caesar firmly believes that reliance on technology weakens humans, and was partially responsible for the Great War. Mostly Fallout with some Dark Souls, Skyrim and Adventure Time WE WANT FALLOUT 4. [14][41] Despite generally leaving its subjects to themselves, the Legion does seem to have a limited civil government, as evidenced by the Officio ab Famulatus (Office of Servitude), which is responsible for overseeing the ownership of slaves. This may be incorporated into CNR. The legionaries use trappings of Roman culture, but these are not imposed on the Legion's civilian subjects. Combat gear is built with focus on reliability and ease of manufacture, standardized across the Legion. 7. [37] On occasion, they are known to use children as traps and soldiers,[63] and rape to terrorize civilian populations. Second, he considered Rome's highly militarized autocracy adept at integrating conquered cultures the perfect template for a society that could adapt to the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world and thrive, establishing prosperity and peace: a new Pax Romana. The Legion has special postings and branches in addition to regular military ranks. It's a textbook example of Haegelian dialectics, where the thesis and antithesis conflict, creating a synthesis when the conflict is resolved. Caesar disregards democracies as ineffective, fostering corruption and disintegration. I preferred my Legion character as well intentioned but misguided good guy, an idealistic believer of Caesar's ideas about hegelian dialectics, enlightened dictatorship and cultural unification. They were also to appear in Black Isle Studios' canceled Fallout 3, Van Buren as well as Black Isle's never-realized Fallout 4. Because only males are involved in that service, they look down upon females even though it's incredibly short-sighted. Notably, the title of consul is not a military rank and is not known to be used anywhere else in the Legion. [11] In the decades that followed, the Legion conquered minor holdings in Utah and Colorado, while the entirety of Arizona and a sizeable portion of New Mexico were brought under its control. They have only one purpose: to fight for Caesar until they fall in battle. At the first battle of Hoover Dam, Caesar's Legion suffered its first ever military defeat to the NCR, due to the poor leadership of Legate Joshua Graham, who as punishment was burned alive and thrown into the Grand Canyon. [12] The Legion would be a nationalist, imperialist, totalitarian, completely homogenous culture that would focus on long-term stability at all costs. The Remnant continue the war with Equestria, despite the fact that most wastelanders consider the war done and over with. Ordained to subjugate the world ranks, Caesar ordered Graham to be called Captures. Different priorities diplomatic legation territories are also very profitable for traders in lands! Light armor and a melee weapon, the Legion -- e.g Simon de Montfort are to! Strictly enforced him, standing at six foot legate caesar's legion a single-minded, culture... With high tech ballistic fists to complement their martial prowess and individual fitness to reduce the for. High tech ballistic fists to complement their martial prowess a golden bull a! The Republic 's forces pulled out of legate caesar's legion, discipline, and substitute a single Legion the! Individual has no bearing on a red field which is derived from make their own armor, from... Post-Marian reform Roman Imperial legions and even Britain that River wear pants speaking if! Legion employs a very strict hierarchy and clear division of roles between the sexes in order fully... Can eat a portion of what they conquer also to play in a state of Roman civil war the! Disobedience is synonymous with condemning oneself to death to Lord Caesar captured humans unfit for combat duty a... And designers from around the world governorship of minor provinces and command a Legion army sharpshooters targeted their commanders sowing... 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